use super::*;
macro_rules! flags {
$component:path {
$($flag:ident: $offset:literal),* $(,)?
) => {
impl $component {
#[doc = "Gets the bit at offset "]
#[doc = stringify!($offset)]
#[doc = "."]
pub const fn $flag(&self) -> bool {
(self.0 >> $offset) & 1 == 1
paste! {
#[doc = "Sets the bit at offset "]
#[doc = stringify!($offset)]
#[doc = "."]
pub fn [< set_$flag >] (&mut self, $flag: bool) {
self.0 = (self.0 & !(1 << $offset)) | ((i8::from($flag)) << $offset);
flags! {
entity::Flags {
on_fire: 0,
sneaking: 1,
sprinting: 3,
swimming: 4,
invisible: 5,
glowing: 6,
fall_flying: 7,
persistent_projectile::ProjectileFlags {
critical: 0,
no_clip: 1,
living::LivingFlags {
using_item: 0,
off_hand_active: 1,
using_riptide: 2,
player::PlayerModelParts {
cape: 0,
jacket: 1,
left_sleeve: 2,
right_sleeve: 3,
left_pants_leg: 4,
right_pants_leg: 5,
hat: 6,
player::MainArm {
right: 0,
armor_stand::ArmorStandFlags {
small: 0,
show_arms: 1,
hide_base_plate: 2,
marker: 3,
mob::MobFlags {
ai_disabled: 0,
left_handed: 1,
attacking: 2,
bat::BatFlags {
hanging: 0,
abstract_horse::HorseFlags {
tamed: 1,
saddled: 2,
bred: 3,
eating_grass: 4,
angry: 5,
eating: 6,
fox::FoxFlags {
sitting: 0,
crouching: 2,
rolling_head: 3,
chasing: 4,
sleeping: 5,
walking: 6,
aggressive: 7,
panda::PandaFlags {
sneezing: 1,
playing: 2,
sitting: 3,
lying_on_back: 4,
tameable::TameableFlags {
sitting_pose: 0,
tamed: 2,
iron_golem::IronGolemFlags {
player_created: 0,
snow_golem::SnowGolemFlags {
has_pumpkin: 4,
blaze::BlazeFlags {
fire_active: 0,
vex::VexFlags {
charging: 0,
spider::SpiderFlags {
climbing_wall: 0,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn get_set_flags() {
let mut flags = entity::Flags(0);
let before = flags.clone();
assert_ne!(flags.0, 0);
assert_eq!(before, flags);
assert_eq!(flags.0, 0);