Struct valence::entity::block_display::BlockState
pub struct BlockState(pub BlockState);
Tuple Fields§
§0: BlockState
Methods from Deref<Target = BlockState>§
pub const AIR: BlockState = _
pub const STONE: BlockState = _
pub const GRANITE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_GRANITE: BlockState = _
pub const DIORITE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DIORITE: BlockState = _
pub const ANDESITE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_ANDESITE: BlockState = _
pub const GRASS_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DIRT: BlockState = _
pub const COARSE_DIRT: BlockState = _
pub const PODZOL: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLESTONE: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_MOSAIC: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_PROPAGULE: BlockState = _
pub const BEDROCK: BlockState = _
pub const WATER: BlockState = _
pub const LAVA: BlockState = _
pub const SAND: BlockState = _
pub const SUSPICIOUS_SAND: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SAND: BlockState = _
pub const GRAVEL: BlockState = _
pub const SUSPICIOUS_GRAVEL: BlockState = _
pub const GOLD_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_GOLD_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const IRON_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const COAL_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_COAL_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_GOLD_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_CHERRY_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_OAK_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_MANGROVE_LOG: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_BAMBOO_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_OAK_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_SPRUCE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_BIRCH_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_JUNGLE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_ACACIA_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_CHERRY_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_MANGROVE_WOOD: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const AZALEA_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const FLOWERING_AZALEA_LEAVES: BlockState = _
pub const SPONGE: BlockState = _
pub const WET_SPONGE: BlockState = _
pub const GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const LAPIS_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_LAPIS_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const LAPIS_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DISPENSER: BlockState = _
pub const SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const NOTE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_BED: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_BED: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_BED: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_BED: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_BED: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_BED: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_BED: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_BED: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_BED: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_BED: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_BED: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_BED: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_BED: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_BED: BlockState = _
pub const RED_BED: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_BED: BlockState = _
pub const POWERED_RAIL: BlockState = _
pub const DETECTOR_RAIL: BlockState = _
pub const STICKY_PISTON: BlockState = _
pub const COBWEB: BlockState = _
pub const GRASS: BlockState = _
pub const FERN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const SEAGRASS: BlockState = _
pub const TALL_SEAGRASS: BlockState = _
pub const PISTON: BlockState = _
pub const PISTON_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const RED_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_WOOL: BlockState = _
pub const MOVING_PISTON: BlockState = _
pub const DANDELION: BlockState = _
pub const TORCHFLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const POPPY: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_ORCHID: BlockState = _
pub const ALLIUM: BlockState = _
pub const AZURE_BLUET: BlockState = _
pub const RED_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const OXEYE_DAISY: BlockState = _
pub const CORNFLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const WITHER_ROSE: BlockState = _
pub const LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_MUSHROOM: BlockState = _
pub const RED_MUSHROOM: BlockState = _
pub const GOLD_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const IRON_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const TNT: BlockState = _
pub const BOOKSHELF: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_BOOKSHELF: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_COBBLESTONE: BlockState = _
pub const OBSIDIAN: BlockState = _
pub const TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const WALL_TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const FIRE: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_FIRE: BlockState = _
pub const SPAWNER: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const CHEST: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_WIRE: BlockState = _
pub const DIAMOND_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_DIAMOND_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DIAMOND_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const CRAFTING_TABLE: BlockState = _
pub const WHEAT: BlockState = _
pub const FARMLAND: BlockState = _
pub const FURNACE: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const LADDER: BlockState = _
pub const RAIL: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_WALL_HANGING_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const LEVER: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const IRON_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_WALL_TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const SNOW: BlockState = _
pub const ICE: BlockState = _
pub const SNOW_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const CACTUS: BlockState = _
pub const CLAY: BlockState = _
pub const SUGAR_CANE: BlockState = _
pub const JUKEBOX: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const PUMPKIN: BlockState = _
pub const NETHERRACK: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_SAND: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_SOIL: BlockState = _
pub const BASALT: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BASALT: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_WALL_TORCH: BlockState = _
pub const GLOWSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_PORTAL: BlockState = _
pub const CARVED_PUMPKIN: BlockState = _
pub const JACK_O_LANTERN: BlockState = _
pub const CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const REPEATER: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const RED_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_STAINED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const PACKED_MUD: BlockState = _
pub const MUD_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const INFESTED_STONE: BlockState = _
pub const INFESTED_COBBLESTONE: BlockState = _
pub const INFESTED_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const INFESTED_MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const MUSHROOM_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const IRON_BARS: BlockState = _
pub const CHAIN: BlockState = _
pub const GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const MELON: BlockState = _
pub const ATTACHED_PUMPKIN_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const ATTACHED_MELON_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const PUMPKIN_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const MELON_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const VINE: BlockState = _
pub const GLOW_LICHEN: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const MUD_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const MYCELIUM: BlockState = _
pub const LILY_PAD: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_BRICK_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_WART: BlockState = _
pub const ENCHANTING_TABLE: BlockState = _
pub const BREWING_STAND: BlockState = _
pub const CAULDRON: BlockState = _
pub const WATER_CAULDRON: BlockState = _
pub const LAVA_CAULDRON: BlockState = _
pub const POWDER_SNOW_CAULDRON: BlockState = _
pub const END_PORTAL: BlockState = _
pub const END_PORTAL_FRAME: BlockState = _
pub const END_STONE: BlockState = _
pub const DRAGON_EGG: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_LAMP: BlockState = _
pub const COCOA: BlockState = _
pub const SANDSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const EMERALD_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_EMERALD_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const ENDER_CHEST: BlockState = _
pub const TRIPWIRE_HOOK: BlockState = _
pub const TRIPWIRE: BlockState = _
pub const EMERALD_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const COMMAND_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BEACON: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLESTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const FLOWER_POT: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_TORCHFLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_OAK_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_SPRUCE_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_BIRCH_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_JUNGLE_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_ACACIA_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_CHERRY_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_DARK_OAK_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_MANGROVE_PROPAGULE: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_FERN: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_DANDELION: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_POPPY: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_BLUE_ORCHID: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_ALLIUM: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_AZURE_BLUET: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_RED_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_ORANGE_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_WHITE_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_PINK_TULIP: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_OXEYE_DAISY: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_CORNFLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_WITHER_ROSE: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_RED_MUSHROOM: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_BROWN_MUSHROOM: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_DEAD_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_CACTUS: BlockState = _
pub const CARROTS: BlockState = _
pub const POTATOES: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const SKELETON_SKULL: BlockState = _
pub const SKELETON_WALL_SKULL: BlockState = _
pub const WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL: BlockState = _
pub const WITHER_SKELETON_WALL_SKULL: BlockState = _
pub const ZOMBIE_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const ZOMBIE_WALL_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const PLAYER_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const PLAYER_WALL_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const CREEPER_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const CREEPER_WALL_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const DRAGON_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const DRAGON_WALL_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const PIGLIN_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const PIGLIN_WALL_HEAD: BlockState = _
pub const ANVIL: BlockState = _
pub const CHIPPED_ANVIL: BlockState = _
pub const DAMAGED_ANVIL: BlockState = _
pub const TRAPPED_CHEST: BlockState = _
pub const COMPARATOR: BlockState = _
pub const DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR: BlockState = _
pub const REDSTONE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const HOPPER: BlockState = _
pub const QUARTZ_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const QUARTZ_PILLAR: BlockState = _
pub const QUARTZ_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const ACTIVATOR_RAIL: BlockState = _
pub const DROPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const RED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_MOSAIC_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const SLIME_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BARRIER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT: BlockState = _
pub const IRON_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_PRISMARINE: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_PRISMARINE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SEA_LANTERN: BlockState = _
pub const HAY_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const RED_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const COAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const PACKED_ICE: BlockState = _
pub const SUNFLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const LILAC: BlockState = _
pub const ROSE_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const PEONY: BlockState = _
pub const TALL_GRASS: BlockState = _
pub const LARGE_FERN: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const RED_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const RED_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_WALL_BANNER: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_RED_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_RED_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const OAK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_MOSAIC_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_STONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const PETRIFIED_OAK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLESTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const MUD_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const QUARTZ_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const PURPUR_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_STONE: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_QUARTZ: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const SPRUCE_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const BIRCH_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const JUNGLE_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const ACACIA_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const CHERRY_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const DARK_OAK_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const MANGROVE_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const END_ROD: BlockState = _
pub const CHORUS_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const CHORUS_FLOWER: BlockState = _
pub const PURPUR_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const PURPUR_PILLAR: BlockState = _
pub const PURPUR_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const END_STONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const TORCHFLOWER_CROP: BlockState = _
pub const PITCHER_CROP: BlockState = _
pub const PITCHER_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const BEETROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const DIRT_PATH: BlockState = _
pub const END_GATEWAY: BlockState = _
pub const REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const FROSTED_ICE: BlockState = _
pub const MAGMA_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_WART_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const RED_NETHER_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const BONE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const STRUCTURE_VOID: BlockState = _
pub const OBSERVER: BlockState = _
pub const SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_SHULKER_BOX: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const RED_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_CONCRETE: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const RED_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_CONCRETE_POWDER: BlockState = _
pub const KELP: BlockState = _
pub const KELP_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const DRIED_KELP_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const TURTLE_EGG: BlockState = _
pub const SNIFFER_EGG: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_HORN_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const TUBE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BRAIN_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BUBBLE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const FIRE_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const HORN_CORAL_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_TUBE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_FIRE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_HORN_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const TUBE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const BRAIN_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const BUBBLE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const FIRE_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const HORN_CORAL: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_HORN_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const TUBE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const BRAIN_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const FIRE_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const HORN_CORAL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const DEAD_HORN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const BRAIN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const HORN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: BlockState = _
pub const SEA_PICKLE: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_ICE: BlockState = _
pub const CONDUIT: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO_SAPLING: BlockState = _
pub const BAMBOO: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_BAMBOO: BlockState = _
pub const VOID_AIR: BlockState = _
pub const CAVE_AIR: BlockState = _
pub const BUBBLE_COLUMN: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const END_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const GRANITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const ANDESITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const DIORITE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_GRANITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DIORITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const END_STONE_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_QUARTZ_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const GRANITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const ANDESITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const RED_NETHER_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_ANDESITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const DIORITE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const PRISMARINE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const RED_SANDSTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const GRANITE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const STONE_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const MUD_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const ANDESITE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const RED_NETHER_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const SANDSTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const END_STONE_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const DIORITE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const SCAFFOLDING: BlockState = _
pub const LOOM: BlockState = _
pub const BARREL: BlockState = _
pub const SMOKER: BlockState = _
pub const BLAST_FURNACE: BlockState = _
pub const CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE: BlockState = _
pub const FLETCHING_TABLE: BlockState = _
pub const GRINDSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const LECTERN: BlockState = _
pub const SMITHING_TABLE: BlockState = _
pub const STONECUTTER: BlockState = _
pub const BELL: BlockState = _
pub const LANTERN: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_LANTERN: BlockState = _
pub const CAMPFIRE: BlockState = _
pub const SOUL_CAMPFIRE: BlockState = _
pub const SWEET_BERRY_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_WARPED_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_HYPHAE: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_WARPED_HYPHAE: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_NYLIUM: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_FUNGUS: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_WART_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const NETHER_SPROUTS: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_CRIMSON_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_HYPHAE: BlockState = _
pub const STRIPPED_CRIMSON_HYPHAE: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_NYLIUM: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_FUNGUS: BlockState = _
pub const SHROOMLIGHT: BlockState = _
pub const WEEPING_VINES: BlockState = _
pub const WEEPING_VINES_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const TWISTING_VINES: BlockState = _
pub const TWISTING_VINES_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_PLANKS: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_PRESSURE_PLATE: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_FENCE: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_TRAPDOOR: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_FENCE_GATE: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_DOOR: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const CRIMSON_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const WARPED_WALL_SIGN: BlockState = _
pub const STRUCTURE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const JIGSAW: BlockState = _
pub const COMPOSTER: BlockState = _
pub const TARGET: BlockState = _
pub const BEE_NEST: BlockState = _
pub const BEEHIVE: BlockState = _
pub const HONEY_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const HONEYCOMB_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const NETHERITE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const ANCIENT_DEBRIS: BlockState = _
pub const CRYING_OBSIDIAN: BlockState = _
pub const RESPAWN_ANCHOR: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_CRIMSON_FUNGUS: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_WARPED_FUNGUS: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_CRIMSON_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_WARPED_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const LODESTONE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACKSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACKSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const BLACKSTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const BLACKSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const GILDED_BLACKSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BUTTON: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const CRACKED_NETHER_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const QUARTZ_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const RED_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_CANDLE: BlockState = _
pub const CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const WHITE_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const ORANGE_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const MAGENTA_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const YELLOW_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const LIME_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const GRAY_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHT_GRAY_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const CYAN_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const PURPLE_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const BLUE_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const BROWN_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const GREEN_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const RED_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const BLACK_CANDLE_CAKE: BlockState = _
pub const AMETHYST_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BUDDING_AMETHYST: BlockState = _
pub const AMETHYST_CLUSTER: BlockState = _
pub const LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD: BlockState = _
pub const MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD: BlockState = _
pub const SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD: BlockState = _
pub const TUFF: BlockState = _
pub const CALCITE: BlockState = _
pub const TINTED_GLASS: BlockState = _
pub const POWDER_SNOW: BlockState = _
pub const SCULK_SENSOR: BlockState = _
pub const CALIBRATED_SCULK_SENSOR: BlockState = _
pub const SCULK: BlockState = _
pub const SCULK_VEIN: BlockState = _
pub const SCULK_CATALYST: BlockState = _
pub const SCULK_SHRIEKER: BlockState = _
pub const OXIDIZED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WEATHERED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const EXPOSED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const COPPER_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const COPPER_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_COPPER_ORE: BlockState = _
pub const OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_COPPER_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_COPPER_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_WEATHERED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_EXPOSED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_OXIDIZED_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_CUT_COPPER: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const WAXED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const LIGHTNING_ROD: BlockState = _
pub const POINTED_DRIPSTONE: BlockState = _
pub const DRIPSTONE_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const CAVE_VINES: BlockState = _
pub const CAVE_VINES_PLANT: BlockState = _
pub const SPORE_BLOSSOM: BlockState = _
pub const AZALEA: BlockState = _
pub const FLOWERING_AZALEA: BlockState = _
pub const MOSS_CARPET: BlockState = _
pub const PINK_PETALS: BlockState = _
pub const MOSS_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const BIG_DRIPLEAF: BlockState = _
pub const BIG_DRIPLEAF_STEM: BlockState = _
pub const SMALL_DRIPLEAF: BlockState = _
pub const HANGING_ROOTS: BlockState = _
pub const ROOTED_DIRT: BlockState = _
pub const MUD: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLED_DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_TILES: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_TILE_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_TILE_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_TILE_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_BRICK_STAIRS: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_BRICK_SLAB: BlockState = _
pub const DEEPSLATE_BRICK_WALL: BlockState = _
pub const CHISELED_DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS: BlockState = _
pub const CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_TILES: BlockState = _
pub const INFESTED_DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const SMOOTH_BASALT: BlockState = _
pub const RAW_IRON_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const RAW_COPPER_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const RAW_GOLD_BLOCK: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_AZALEA_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const POTTED_FLOWERING_AZALEA_BUSH: BlockState = _
pub const OCHRE_FROGLIGHT: BlockState = _
pub const VERDANT_FROGLIGHT: BlockState = _
pub const PEARLESCENT_FROGLIGHT: BlockState = _
pub const FROGSPAWN: BlockState = _
pub const REINFORCED_DEEPSLATE: BlockState = _
pub const DECORATED_POT: BlockState = _
Trait Implementations§
§impl Clone for BlockState
impl Clone for BlockState
§fn clone(&self) -> BlockState
fn clone(&self) -> BlockState
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read more§impl Component for BlockState
impl Component for BlockState
§const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = bevy_ecs::component::StorageType::Table
const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = bevy_ecs::component::StorageType::Table
A constant indicating the storage type used for this component.
§fn register_component_hooks(_hooks: &mut ComponentHooks)
fn register_component_hooks(_hooks: &mut ComponentHooks)
Called when registering this component, allowing mutable access to its
.§impl Debug for BlockState
impl Debug for BlockState
§impl Default for BlockState
impl Default for BlockState
§fn default() -> BlockState
fn default() -> BlockState
Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more
§impl Deref for BlockState
impl Deref for BlockState
§type Target = BlockState
type Target = BlockState
The resulting type after dereferencing.
§fn deref(&self) -> &<BlockState as Deref>::Target
fn deref(&self) -> &<BlockState as Deref>::Target
Dereferences the value.
§impl DerefMut for BlockState
impl DerefMut for BlockState
§fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <BlockState as Deref>::Target
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <BlockState as Deref>::Target
Mutably dereferences the value.
§impl PartialEq for BlockState
impl PartialEq for BlockState
impl StructuralPartialEq for BlockState
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for BlockState
impl RefUnwindSafe for BlockState
impl Send for BlockState
impl Sync for BlockState
impl Unpin for BlockState
impl UnwindSafe for BlockState
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
§impl<C> Bundle for Cwhere
C: Component,
impl<C> Bundle for Cwhere
C: Component,
fn component_ids( components: &mut Components, storages: &mut Storages, ids: &mut impl FnMut(ComponentId), )
unsafe fn from_components<T, F>(ctx: &mut T, func: &mut F) -> C
§fn get_component_ids(
components: &Components,
ids: &mut impl FnMut(Option<ComponentId>),
fn get_component_ids( components: &Components, ids: &mut impl FnMut(Option<ComponentId>), )
source§impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
source§unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (
)§impl<T> Conv for T
impl<T> Conv for T
§impl<T> Downcast for Twhere
T: Any,
impl<T> Downcast for Twhere
T: Any,
§fn into_any(self: Box<T>) -> Box<dyn Any>
fn into_any(self: Box<T>) -> Box<dyn Any>
Box<dyn Trait>
(where Trait: Downcast
) to Box<dyn Any>
. Box<dyn Any>
then be further downcast
into Box<ConcreteType>
where ConcreteType
implements Trait
.§fn into_any_rc(self: Rc<T>) -> Rc<dyn Any>
fn into_any_rc(self: Rc<T>) -> Rc<dyn Any>
(where Trait: Downcast
) to Rc<Any>
. Rc<Any>
can then be
further downcast
into Rc<ConcreteType>
where ConcreteType
implements Trait
.§fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)
fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)
(where Trait: Downcast
) to &Any
. This is needed since Rust cannot
generate &Any
’s vtable from &Trait
’s.§fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn Any + 'static)
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn Any + 'static)
&mut Trait
(where Trait: Downcast
) to &Any
. This is needed since Rust cannot
generate &mut Any
’s vtable from &mut Trait
’s.§impl<T> DowncastSync for T
impl<T> DowncastSync for T
§impl<C> DynamicBundle for Cwhere
C: Component,
impl<C> DynamicBundle for Cwhere
C: Component,
fn get_components(self, func: &mut impl FnMut(StorageType, OwningPtr<'_>))
§impl<T> FmtForward for T
impl<T> FmtForward for T
§fn fmt_binary(self) -> FmtBinary<Self>where
Self: Binary,
fn fmt_binary(self) -> FmtBinary<Self>where
Self: Binary,
to use its Binary
implementation when Debug
-formatted.§fn fmt_display(self) -> FmtDisplay<Self>where
Self: Display,
fn fmt_display(self) -> FmtDisplay<Self>where
Self: Display,
to use its Display
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_lower_exp(self) -> FmtLowerExp<Self>where
Self: LowerExp,
fn fmt_lower_exp(self) -> FmtLowerExp<Self>where
Self: LowerExp,
to use its LowerExp
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_lower_hex(self) -> FmtLowerHex<Self>where
Self: LowerHex,
fn fmt_lower_hex(self) -> FmtLowerHex<Self>where
Self: LowerHex,
to use its LowerHex
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_octal(self) -> FmtOctal<Self>where
Self: Octal,
fn fmt_octal(self) -> FmtOctal<Self>where
Self: Octal,
to use its Octal
implementation when Debug
-formatted.§fn fmt_pointer(self) -> FmtPointer<Self>where
Self: Pointer,
fn fmt_pointer(self) -> FmtPointer<Self>where
Self: Pointer,
to use its Pointer
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_upper_exp(self) -> FmtUpperExp<Self>where
Self: UpperExp,
fn fmt_upper_exp(self) -> FmtUpperExp<Self>where
Self: UpperExp,
to use its UpperExp
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_upper_hex(self) -> FmtUpperHex<Self>where
Self: UpperHex,
fn fmt_upper_hex(self) -> FmtUpperHex<Self>where
Self: UpperHex,
to use its UpperHex
implementation when
-formatted.§fn fmt_list(self) -> FmtList<Self>where
&'a Self: for<'a> IntoIterator,
fn fmt_list(self) -> FmtList<Self>where
&'a Self: for<'a> IntoIterator,
Formats each item in a sequence. Read more
§impl<T> FromWorld for Twhere
T: Default,
impl<T> FromWorld for Twhere
T: Default,
§fn from_world(_world: &mut World) -> T
fn from_world(_world: &mut World) -> T
using data from the given World
.§impl<T> Instrument for T
impl<T> Instrument for T
§fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>
§fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>
§impl<T> Pipe for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> Pipe for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
§fn pipe<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
Self: Sized,
fn pipe<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
Self: Sized,
Pipes by value. This is generally the method you want to use. Read more
§fn pipe_ref<'a, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
R: 'a,
fn pipe_ref<'a, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
R: 'a,
and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more§fn pipe_ref_mut<'a, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
R: 'a,
fn pipe_ref_mut<'a, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> R) -> Rwhere
R: 'a,
Mutably borrows
and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more§fn pipe_borrow<'a, B, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a B) -> R) -> R
fn pipe_borrow<'a, B, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a B) -> R) -> R
§fn pipe_borrow_mut<'a, B, R>(
&'a mut self,
func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut B) -> R,
) -> R
fn pipe_borrow_mut<'a, B, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut B) -> R, ) -> R
§fn pipe_as_ref<'a, U, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a U) -> R) -> R
fn pipe_as_ref<'a, U, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a U) -> R) -> R
, then passes self.as_ref()
into the pipe function.§fn pipe_as_mut<'a, U, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut U) -> R) -> R
fn pipe_as_mut<'a, U, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut U) -> R) -> R
Mutably borrows
, then passes self.as_mut()
into the pipe
function.§fn pipe_deref<'a, T, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a T) -> R) -> R
fn pipe_deref<'a, T, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a T) -> R) -> R
, then passes self.deref()
into the pipe function.§impl<T> Tap for T
impl<T> Tap for T
§fn tap_borrow<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
fn tap_borrow<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
Immutable access to the
of a value. Read more§fn tap_borrow_mut<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
fn tap_borrow_mut<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
Mutable access to the
of a value. Read more§fn tap_ref<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
fn tap_ref<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
Immutable access to the
view of a value. Read more§fn tap_ref_mut<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
fn tap_ref_mut<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
Mutable access to the
view of a value. Read more§fn tap_deref<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
fn tap_deref<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
Immutable access to the
of a value. Read more§fn tap_deref_mut<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
fn tap_deref_mut<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
Mutable access to the
of a value. Read more§fn tap_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self
fn tap_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.§fn tap_mut_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self
fn tap_mut_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release
builds.§fn tap_borrow_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
fn tap_borrow_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release
builds.§fn tap_borrow_mut_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
fn tap_borrow_mut_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release
builds.§fn tap_ref_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
fn tap_ref_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release
builds.§fn tap_ref_mut_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
fn tap_ref_mut_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release
builds.§fn tap_deref_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
fn tap_deref_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
only in debug builds, and is erased in release